
Quality vs Cheap Fish Pellets, What’s the Difference?

Quality vs Cheap Fish Pellets, What’s the Difference?

Keystone Hatcheries recently made the switch to Ziegler Brothers Fish Pellets, and the results have been outstanding!  We have noticed significantl...

Hybrid Striped Bass

Hybrid Striped Bass

The Hybrid Striped Bass is a cross between striped bass and white bass, which makes them sterile. They are aggressive feeders that will readily take high protein fish pellets and feed on other fish, plus absolutely slam fishing bait!

What should I stock? Five steps to a quality fish stocking recommendation.

How should you go about stocking an existing pond or lake? If the pond is empty, or if you can tell us with certainty what is currently in it, then...

Largemouth Bass Stunting

Largemouth Bass Stunting

A common misconception is that Bluegill stunting is the biggest problem with your average midwestern pond fish population.  Once upon a time I beli...

Fish Stocking Packages

The goal here is to make stocking your pond as easy as possible. Below are stocking packages for ponds in Wisconsin and Illinois that have no fish ...

Wisconsin Fish Purchases - License or Permit Required

Wisconsin customers need to obtain a DATCP License or DNR Permit in order to stock fish.  But don't worry!  There are some pretty easy options. The...

Live Gamefish and Stocking Info

Live Gamefish and Stocking Info

Keystone Hatcheries specializes in live fish stocking for Wisconsin and Illinois. If you are looking to stock fish in Wisconsin or Illinois, send...



Tuffies are Fathead Minnows that are raised in artificial ponds in Arkansas under very controlled conditions. Tuffies are slightly more expensive t...

Rosy Reds (Orange Tuffies)

The Rosy Red is essentially an orange-colored Fathead Minnow. This color variation occurs naturally, but rarely. Fish farmers in Arkansas have succ...

Golden Shiner

Golden Shiner

The Golden Shiner is the largest of the forage species, commonly growing over 5” in length. Spawning occurs from June to August over beds of submer...

Fathead Minnow

Fathead Minnow

The Fathead Minnow is the most affordable and durable of the forage species. We are able to stock them in all but the hottest temperatures. It is a...

Yellow Perch

Yellow Perch

Table fare for the famous Wisconsin “Friday Night Fish Fry”, the Yellow Perch is considered by many the best eating of all fresh water fish, but un...