Hybrid Striped Bass

The Hybrid Striped Bass is a cross between striped bass and white bass, which makes them sterile. They are aggressive feeders that will readily take high protein fish pellets and feed on other fish, plus absolutely slam fishing bait!

Because Hybrid Striped Bass are sterile you do not need to worry about overpopulating, which is a common occurrence with Largemouth Bass.

Hybrid Striped Bass Advice:

Hybrid Stripers are piscivorous, which means that they primarily feed on other fish. They are raised on high protein pellets and will continue to feed on them if offered.

This species is an ideal predator for helping control Gizzard Shad, Black Crappie and other sunfish species. 40 per Surface Acre is a common stocking amount, but you should adjust up or down based on prevalence of other predators and how abundant forage is.

Unlike most species, we primarily handle Hybrid Striped Bass only in late spring and summer because they do not handle well in cold water. Unfortunately this hybrid species is not currently permitted to be stocked in Wisconsin.


FOR A PRICE LIST, plus ordering and availability info, WI & IL Customers can email us at info@keystonehatcheries.com. Sorry, but we do not sell fish outside of WI or IL at this time.

CUSTOM FISH STOCKING RECOMMENDATIONS: email us with some info and we will recommend a stocking for you.