Shoreklear-Plus, 1 gallon
Product Code: RO128
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This is a Glyphosate product that is similar Round-Up, but safe to use around ponds when used as directed. It is a concentrated systemic aquatic herbicide that is effective against many aquatic emergent weeds (including cattails), terrestrial grasses and broad-leaf weeds. Shoreklear-Plus can be used in and around aquatic areas as well as on non-aquatic weeds and brush. Unlike regular Shore-Klear and AquaNeat, this product is already mixed with a surfactant and can be used by simply diluting with water in sprayer. Water in treatment area has no restrictions for swimming, irrigation, or consumption.
Dosage Rates: Application rates vary, but generally 3.5 to 9 oz of Shore-Klear per gallon of water is sufficient. Use 3.3 gallons of product per surface acre in any single broadcast treatment over water. See the Shoreklear-Plus Label instructions for details.
Shipping Restrictions: This product cannot be shipped to the following states: AK, CA, CT, ID, HI, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT & WA
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