Deluxe Linear Aeration Kit - 3000-7500 gallons

Deluxe Linear Aeration Kit - 3000-7500 gallons

Product Code: LA10W

Regular price $383.89 $345.50 Sale

These kits feature a top quality linear compressor that is UL listed for outdoor use, and they carry a 3 year warranty! 

All kits include a linear piston compressor with 5' power cord, rubber membrane diffuser, connectors, 15 feet of weighted airline, and installation and maintenance instructions.

Item # Pond Size (Gallons)*


Air Flow** Watts
LA5W 1 to 3K 6" Rubber Membrane 1.3 26
LA10W 3 to 7.5K 12" Rubber Membrane 1.8 45
LA15W 7.5 to 20K Double 12" Rubber Membrane 3.0 86
* Size pond that these systems will aerate depends on depth, fish load, filtration capacity and if it is for winter or summer aeration. Contact Keystone Hatcheries for sizing recommendations.
**Airflow rates given are max flow. Rate will decrease with depth.