Sludge Remover Pellets, 50lb box

Product Code: ABB-50B

Regular price $619.99 $588.99 Sale

Sludge Remover Pellets are great for spot treating around docks and beaches, or for treating whole ponds. Unlike most pond bacteria products, these sludge remover pellets are specifically designed to reduce sludge.

  • Pellets are heavy and sink down into muck directly where they are applied
  • Helps reduce murky water caused by organic wastes
  • Reduces problem causing nitrate and phosphates
  • Reduces odors caused by stagnant water and decaying material
  • Pellet size is 3 grams and an 8 ounce scoop is included
  • Results are improved when used in conjunction with aeration

Dosage Rates: For large area applications, apply 4 lbs/surface acre every other week when water temperatures exceed 55F. For spot treating, apply 1 pound per 2,000 square feet (approximately).

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