CyroPro, 16 oz.
Product Code: 73366
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Liquid CyroPro is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control conditions caused by anchor worm and fish lice in their pond. Extremely safe and super effective this revolutionary product offers you rapid control yet will not negatively impact your biological filtration. This treatment works by controlling successive generations of the parasites. If You may not see results immediately, but stick with it and after the 2nd or 3rd treatment results should be noticeable.
Dosage Rate: To use, do not stop filtration, but remove activated carbon. Apply 1 ounce per 312.5 gallons of pond water. Re-dose every 7 days for three continuous treatments. A large water change (approximately 90%) is required before each treatment, but be careful not to temperature shock your fish (we recommend not changing water temp by more than 5 degrees F per day). This process refreshes dissolved oxygen levels, removes pollutants and nutrients for disease-causing organisms and reduces the population of water-borne pathogens. Complete treatment will take 3 consecutive weeks. Any interruption in the treatment regime requires a restart. Do not use with potassium permanganate treatments.
Pond Calculator Use to calculate the volume or area of your pond.